As all fans of the sport will know, watching polo can be hungry work.
So it was no wonder that glamour model Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace looked so relieved to tuck in to a delicious-looking burger after enjoying the action at the Essex Polo in Epping yesterday.
The 33-year-old showed off her figure in a clinging blue silk dress while she showed down on her snack.

Aisleyne, a former Big Brother contestant, made sure she didn't get too chilly outside by teaming her dress with a black cardigan.
She must have been expecting an important call, as she kept her mobile tucked into her cleavage for most of the day.
Of course, Aisleyne may simply have wished to draw attention to her ample curves, which she accentuated with the help of a bra visible underneath her dress.

She accentuated her legs with black and gold heels and carried a small Louis Vuitton handbag.
Aisleyne wore her blonde hair in a large bun, and kept her eyes and eyebrows dark, adding a touch of colour with bright pink lipstick.
She appeared to enjoy herself during the day, and was seen kissing a blonde friend in a scarlet dress next to the burger van.

The model wasn't shy to show off some moves, and joined a male pal for a boogie on the dance floor.
Aisleyne certainly showed more composure than some of the other guests that day.
Desperate Scousewife Layla Flaherty had an unfortunate mishap when she fell out of her chair and onto the extremely muddy ground.
The 27-year-old giggled as she struggled to right herself, looking decidedly worse for wear.

Expecting an important call? Aisleyne tucked her phone into her bra for the dance floor
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