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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Royal beauty queen: Kate lookalike tipped to win World title after being crowned Miss Wales

Sophie Moulds beat 46 other contestants to win the Miss Wales title and a shot at Miss World this July

A stunning beauty queen who is a striking lookalike of the Duchess of Cambridge is being tipped to win Miss World.

Sophie Moulds, 19, has already been crowned Miss Wales where she was described having a strong similarity to English Rose Kate.

And the university student was today 'delighted' at the comparison with Prince William’s bride.

The university student is 'delighted' at the comparison with the Duchess of Cambridge

She said: 'It’s a great honour - I was a bit shocked when people started saying I look like Kate.

'But I’m a huge fan of her - she is such a natural beauty and very stylish. I take it as a great compliment.'

At 5ft 10in Sophie is the same height at the Duchess of Cambridge and they even have the same taste in clothes.

Sophie is the same height at the Duchess of Cambridge and they even have the same taste in clothes

Sophie splashed out on a new dress from a high street store only to see Kate wearing the same outfit in a glossy magazine.

And just like Kate, clever Sophie scored 2 As and a B at A-level.

She said: 'I’m amazed to be compared to Kate - she is such a great ambassador for our country.

'I will be trying to do the same when I represent Wales in Miss World.'

Sophie beat 46 other contestants to win the title and a shot at Miss World in Inner Mongolia this July.

It was only her third beauty contest - she entered to have a change from her business studies degree at Cardiff University.

Sophie, of Ferndale, Rhondda, added: 'I have exams coming up in the next few weeks but I like having lots of things on the go.

'I’m good at multi-tasking and I think I’ve got a balance between the two.'

Miss Wales organiser Paula Abbandanato said: 'Sophie is an exceptionally beautiful girl who is being tipped to do well in Miss World.

'I am sure Kate Middleton will be equally delighted to know she has been compared to Sophie.'



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