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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Octomom hires a four-person cleaning crew after her squalid living conditions are outed

-Mother of 14, who relies on food stamps, spends $520 on haircuts

By Daily Mail Reporter

Octomom was literally in a rush to clean up her act as photos emerged of her squalid living conditions today.

Just four hours after images of her dishevelled and filthy property were posted online, Nadya Suleman hired a four person cleaning crew to attend to her home.

Four women turned up to her California home in uniform this afternoon laden down with a plethora of cleaning supplies.


Shocking: Pictures have emerged from inside Octomon's home. She is said to have locked her children in the bedroom by propping a chair against the door

They looked like they were ready to get down to business given the grim expressions on their faces. posted said video of the maids arriving at her home today.

They have previously reported that Dr. Drew bought the mother of 14 a years worth of cleaning services last November as part of a life-improvement package.

Disturbing: Some of the children use portable training toilets in the backyard

Awful conditions: A child is seen sitting on an unmade mattress in a sparse room

The 36-year-old also received a year of child care.

Although it would be impossible to tell given the filthy state of her graffiti-laced abode, the crew is said to visit Suleman regularly.

However, social workers are now investigating Octomom over claims the single mother's children are living in squalor.

Acceptable: Authorities stayed at Suleman's for an hour-and-a-half, and determined the children were not in danger

Messy: On bedroom was covered in what appeared to be dirty laundry

Authorities were tipped off about the living conditions at her home in La Habra, California, by her hairdresser.

A team from California social services inspected the 36-year-old's home after being told there was only one working toilet.

The children are also said to be malnourished and unclean.

Excuse the graffiti': Octomon told authorities to ignore the drawings on the walls

It is said some of the children are using portable training toilets located in their bedrooms and in the backyard, and that her brood appear malnourished and unbathed.

The stylist, called Stephanie, claims to have observed her locking her kids in a bedroom using a chair propped up against the door while she tended to personal matters.

Stephanie said: 'The kids are in desperate need of help, and I tried to help and she's not open to anyone helping her.'

Concerns: The children are said to be malnourished and unclean

Dishevelled: Toys are carelessly left around the backyard

Welfare mom: Nadya spent $520 on her hair despite struggling to feed and care for her family

No expense spared: The single mother's payment to her stylist

She said the boys are wearing girl's clothes, they are neglected, and Suleman is incapable of caring for them.

Suleman is said to have refused to pay a plumber $150 to get pipes in the house fixed but found money to pay her hairstylist $520 on two cuts and chemical straightening, according to TMZ.

When an officer and three children's services workers arrived and went inside, the reality television personality was heard saying, 'Excuse the graffiti.'

Authorities stayed at Suleman's for an hour-and-a-half, and determined the kids were not in danger.

But they will now be monitored by officials with the California Children's Services Department.

Suleman has admitted struggling to cope with her giant brood and has financial problems.

She recently signed on to get £1,500 a month in food stamps and has faced having her home re-possessed for nonpayment of mortgage.

Earlier this month her car was allegedly smashed up by vandals who left a handwritten death threat.

Suleman became known worldwide three years ago when she gave birth to eight babies.
She already had six children but underwent fertility treatment and defied doctors advice to keep the eight babies.

Large brood: Suleman is the mother to a whopping fourteen children, including octuplets, all seen here at an event in 2010

House call: The authorities visited Octomom's La Habra, California home



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