Scroll down to watch the trailer for her new show...

She left everyone gobsmacked when she burst back on to the scene a few months ago with a beefy and bulked-up bodybuilder's physique.
But while it might take most people a year or so to develop muscles like that through a tough exercise regime and strict diet, it only took Jodie Marsh two months.
And the former glamour model has shown off the amazing transformation which took her from being toned and trim to big and beefy.
Jodie, 32, has released a series of photos that show, in chronological order, how she looked at the start of her exercise regime to how she ended up just eight weeks later.
With the help of celebrity personal trainer Tim Sharp, she transformed her body into a muscular machine, ready to enter a bodybuilding competition last autumn.

Hard work: As the weeks go on, Jodie begins to get more muscular...

Jodie's transformation is shown in a documentary that airs next Tuesday night on men's lifestyle channel DMX.
It will show Jodie preparing for the competition with behind-the-scenes footage, laughter, tears and her sheer determination at achieving her goal.

Bums and tums: Jodie starts the process of toning and tightening up her stomach and bottom

She's doing well: As the weeks went on, her stomach got more defined and taut...

It will also show exclusive interviews from within the sometimes secretive world of Body Building including shocking stories of steroid abuse within the sport.
Jodie was preparing for the Natural Physique Association (NPA) Mike Williams Classic and Pro-Am Bodybuilding Championships which took place n Sheffield last September.

And now for the six pack! Jodie already had a nice flat stomach when she started her regime

The washboard's not far off: Jodie's stomach starts to show signs of muscle definition

And her gruelling regime saw her not only go from toned to extremely muscular, but she dropped from a size 10 to a tiny size six.
Under the guidance of Sharp, Jodie's eight-week regime saw her sticking to an incredibly strict diet, as well as cutting out nightclubs and all alcohol.

Time to work on the arms: Jodie biceps didn't escape the tough regime

Popeye would be impressed: As the weeks went on, Jodie's arms got harder and more muscular

Talking about her new figure, Jodie said: 'In just 50 days I have gone from 25 per cent body fat to 10 per cent body fat, gained 8 pounds of muscle, and lost 20 pounds of fat. In 8 weeks I have achieved what normally takes 6 to 9 months.'
'This is the best I’ve ever felt, and the best my body has ever felt too.'
Jodie ended up coming fifth in the competition, but undeterred, she wowed to get further this year.

So exercise is good your breasts then? Jodie adopts a bodybuilding position as she shows off her top half

No booster bra needed: Jodie's muscle building regime kept her surgically-enhanced assets looking buoyant

No booster bra needed: Jodie's muscle building regime kept her surgically-enhanced assets looking buoyant
She said at the time: 'I’m really happy I’m going home with a trophy. If I can do this in eight weeks, competing against the best of the best in the UK, then what else can I achieve with more training time?
'I’m 100 per cent confident that if I had more time to train I could have placed in the top three and go through to finals. We’ll have to see what happens next year!'
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