Rioting, looting, muggings, cars and buildings on fire - London has witnesses apocalyptic scenes on its streets over the past three days.
Scenes which many said looked like those from a film depicting the end-of-the-world.
And scenes that no one could have predicted a few days ago, especially actor Brad Pitt.
The star has been filming his big screen adaptation of World War Z - a world recovering from a global zombie war - in sleepy Cornwall.
The devastating aftermath of the attack on the capital would have provided the perfect set for a world struggling to recover from an attack from hundreds of millions of the living dead.

However, we suspect that not many Londoners would have the stomach to watch the scenes again, especially not used for entertainment.
But it is incredibly ironic that he should be a filming a movie of this nature while a real life battle has been raging from Enfield to Croydon on the other side of the country.

Brad has been in the Cornish port of Falmouth filming scenes for World War Z, a film based on a Max Brooks novel about a global war against zombies.
Brad plays Brooks who scours the world collecting the stories and experiences of those who have survived ten years after the human victory over the world wide zombie epidemic.

He arrived last week and filmed on board a former salvage vessel the SD Salmoor alongside hundreds of extras recruited from the local area playing Russian refugees or zombies.
Yesterday he was snapped on the port running from an armed forces helicopter to safety with other people.

The green screen behind him and the other actors suggested that destructive scenes would be added in later to give the impression of a war-torn country.
The movie is due out next year and also stars Lost's Matthew Fox.

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