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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Destroyed in a day: The before and after pictures that show the devastating extent of the riots


devastating extent of the riots 1
The House of Reeves has stood on the same corner for 140 years, surviving both World Wars, but was targeted by rioters and will now have to be demolished

These extraordinary photos show the true extent of the destruction caused by the widespread rioting.

Before the disturbances these were businesses and homes, with one having survived two World Wars.

But after ransacking stores the rioters gleefully set properties alight, cheering at their handiwork as they saw flames engulf the buildings.

Their actions have left not only charred shells where homes and livelihoods used to stand, but also a deep scar on England's streets.

devastating extent of the riots 2
Union Point: The landmark building in Tottenham has been completely destroyed. As well as the store itself, there were 26 flats on the upper floors

The House of Reeves has stood on the same corner in Croydon for 140 years, surviving both World Wars.

It was targeted by rioters as violence spread across the capital on Monday evening.
Flames ripped through the historic building and spread to neighbouring businesses as firemen battled desperately and in vain to quell the inferno.

Now the Reeves family, who have owned the business for five generations, will have to demolish the remains and rebuild.

devastating extent of the riots 3
The Japanese electronics company's warehouse in Enfield was left charred and looked on the brink of collapse after it was targeted by thugs

devastating extent of the riots 4
Clapham suffered heavily in Monday's riots, with looters ransacking stores and even setting fancy dress shop, the Party Superstore, alight

devastating extent of the riots 5
Tottenham was the first place in the capital to be targeted after a protest about the death of local man Mark Duggan was hijacked by rioters and spiralled into violence

source: dailymail


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